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Human Learning in Atari. AAAI Spring Symposium Series (2017).
Tsividis et al - Human Learning in Atari.pdf (844.47 KB)

Reinforcement learning and episodic memory in humans and animals: an integrative framework. Annual Review of Psychology 68, (2017).
GershmanDaw17.pdf (422.11 KB)

Thinking fast or slow? A reinforcement-learning approach. Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2017).
KoolEtAl_SPSP_2017.pdf (670.35 KB)

Building machines that learn and think like people. (2016).
machines_that_think.pdf (3.45 MB)

Probing the compositionality of intuitive functions. (2016).
CBMM-Memo-048.pdf (815.72 KB)

When Does Model-Based Control Pay Off?. PLoS Comput Biol 12, e1005090 (2016).
KoolEtAl_PLOS_CB.PDF (5.85 MB)

Where do hypotheses come from?. (2016).
CBMM-Memo-056-v2.pdf (733.35 KB)

Computational rationality: A converging paradigm for intelligence in brains, minds, and machines. Science 349, 273-278 (2015).
Discovering hierarchical motion structure. Vision Research Available online 26 March 2015, (2015).
hierarchical_motion.pdf (582.01 KB)

Information Selection in Noisy Environments with Large Action Spaces. 9th Biennial Conference of the Cognitive Development Society Columbus, OH, (2015).