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Eye movements and retinotopic tuning in developmental prosopagnosia. Journal of Vision 19, 7 (2019).
Facial Expression Scoring and Assessment of Facial Movement Kinematics in Non-Human Primates. The Rockefeller University 2019 Summer Science Research Program (SSRP) (2019).
Deep Learning: Algorithms and Applications (SPRINGER-VERLAG, 2019).
Finding Friend and Foe in Multi-Agent Games. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019) (2019).
Max KW paper.pdf (928.96 KB)
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Hard choices: Children’s understanding of the cost of action selection. . Cognitive Science Society (2019).
phk_cogsci_2019_final.pdf (276.14 KB)
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Hippocampal Remapping as Hidden State Inference. (2019). doi:
CBMM-Memo-101.pdf (12.78 MB)
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How Adults’ Actions, Outcomes, and Testimony Affect Preschoolers’ Persistence. Child Development (2019). doi:10.1111/cdev.13305
How Does the Brain Represents Language and Answers Questions? Using an AI System to Understand the Underlying Neurobiological Mechanisms. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 13, (2019).
Identification of vigilance states in freely behaving animals using thalamocortical activity and Deep Belief networks. Society for Neuroscience (2019).
Illusory sound texture reveals multi-second statistical completion in auditory scene analysis. Nature Communications 10, (2019).
Implicit Regularization of Accelerated Methods in Hilbert Spaces. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019) (2019).
9591-implicit-regularization-of-accelerated-methods-in-hilbert-spaces.pdf (451.14 KB)
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In silico modeling of temporally interfering electric fields for deep brain stimulation . Society for Neuroscience (2019).
Incentives Boost Model-Based Control Across a Range of Severity on Several Psychiatric Constructs. Biological Psychiatry 85, 425 - 433 (2019).
An integrative computational architecture for object-driven cortex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 55, 73 - 81 (2019).
Invariance to background noise as a signature of non-primary auditory cortex. Nature Communications 10, (2019).
Language, gesture, and judgment: Children’s paths to abstract geometry. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 177, 70 - 85 (2019).
Large-scale hyperparameter search for predicting human brain responses in the Algonauts challenge. The Algonauts Project: Explaining the Human Visual Brain Workshop 2019 (2019). doi:10.1101/689844
Learning Language from Vision. Workshop on Visually Grounded Interaction and Language (ViGIL) at the Thirty-third Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2019).
A meta-analysis of ANNs as models of primate V1 . Bernstein (2019).