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Cascade of neural processing orchestrates cognitive control in human frontal cortex. eLIFE (2016). doi:10.7554/eLife.12352
Manuscript (1.83 MB)

A machine learning approach to predict episodic memory formation. 2016 Annual Conference on Information Science and Systems (CISS) 539 - 544 (2016). doi:10.1109/CISS.2016.7460560
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2015 Review. (2016).
Read the Views & Review article by Gabriel Kreiman (443.87 KB)

Predicting episodic memory formation for movie events. Scientific Reports (2016). doi:10.1038/srep30175
PredNet - "Deep Predictive Coding Networks for Video Prediction and Unsupervised Learning" [code]. (2016).
There's Waldo! A Normalization Model of Visual Search Predicts Single-Trial Human Fixations in an Object Search Task. Cerebral Cortex 26(7), 26:3064-3082 (2016).
Unsupervised Learning of Visual Structure using Predictive Generative Networks. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) (2016). at <>
Decrease in gamma-band activity tracks sequence learning. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8, (2015).
fnsys-08-00222.pdf (5.62 MB)

Sensitivity to timing and order in human visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 113, 1656 - 1669 (2015).
Corticocortical feedback increases the spatial extent of normalization. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8, 105 (2014).
Single Neuron Studies of the Brain: Probing Cognition (2014).
Cognitive Neuroscience V, (2014).
Single neuron studies of the human brain. Probing cognition (2014).
A normalization model of visual search predicts single trial human fixations in an object search task. (2014).
CBMM-Memo-008.pdf (854.51 KB)

A role for recurrent processing in object completion: neurophysiological, psychophysical and computational evidence. (2014).
CBMM-Memo-009.pdf (4.21 MB)

Sensitivity to Timing and Order in Human Visual Cortex. (2014).
CBMM-Memo-005.pdf (1.12 MB)