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Bayesian nonparametric methods for discovering latent structures of rat hippocampal ensemble spikes. IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (2016).
MLSP16 (1).pdf (1.04 MB)

Bottom-up and Top-down Input Augment the Variability of Cortical Neurons. Neuron 91(3), 540-547 (2016).
Bridging the Gaps Between Residual Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks and Visual Cortex. (2016).
CBMM Memo No. 047 (1.29 MB)

Building machines that learn and think like people. (2016).
machines_that_think.pdf (3.45 MB)

Cascade of neural processing orchestrates cognitive control in human frontal cortex [dataset]. (2016). at <>
Cascade of neural processing orchestrates cognitive control in human frontal cortex [code]. (2016). at <>
Cascade of neural processing orchestrates cognitive control in human frontal cortex. eLIFE (2016). doi:10.7554/eLife.12352
Manuscript (1.83 MB)

Children’s Expectations and Understanding of Kinship as a Social Category. Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1664-1078 (2016).
Scientists Making a Difference: One Hundred Eminent Behavioral and Brain Scientists Talk about Their Most Important Contributions (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
Color-Biased Regions of the Ventral Visual Pathway Lie between Face- and Place-Selective Regions in Humans, as in Macaques. Journal of Neuroscience 36, 1682 - 1697 (2016).
Continuous representations of action efficiency in infancy. CEU Conference on Cognitive Development (BCCCD16) (2016).
Contrastive Analysis with Predictive Power: Typology Driven Estimation of Grammatical Error Distributions in ESL. (2016).
memo-50.pdf (493.74 KB)

Coordinate to cooperate or compete: abstract goals and joint intentions in social interaction. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (2016).
kleiman2016coordinate.pdf (266.87 KB)

Core Knowledge and Conceptual Change (Oxford University Press, 2016).
Critical Behavior from Deep Dynamics: A Hidden Dimension in Natural Language. (2016).
Critical Behavior from Deep Dynamics: A Hidden Dimension in Natural Language (1.64 MB)

Decoding task and stimulus representations in face-responsive cortex. Cognitive Neuropsychology (2016).
Deep Leaning: Mathematics and Neuroscience. A Sponsored Supplement to Science Brain-Inspired intelligent robotics: The intersection of robotics and neuroscience, 9-12 (2016).
Deep Learning: mathematics and neuroscience. (2016).
Deep Learning- mathematics and neuroscience.pdf (1.25 MB)

Deep vs. shallow networks : An approximation theory perspective. (2016).
Original submission, visit the link above for the updated version (960.27 KB)

Deep vs. shallow networks: An approximation theory perspective. Analysis and Applications 14, 829 - 848 (2016).
Do You See What I Mean? Visual Resolution of Linguistic Ambiguities. (2016).
memo-51.pdf (2.74 MB)

DOC: Deep OCclusion Recovering From A Single Image. ECCV (2016).
Dynamic balance of excitation and inhibition in human and monkey neocortex. Nature Scientific Reports (2016). doi:10.1038/srep23176
BalanceExcitationInhibition.pdf (2.1 MB)

Early Reasoning about Affiliation and Social Networks. International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS) (2016).
Effort as a bridging concept across action and action understanding: Weight and Physical Effort in Predictions of Efficiency in Other Agents. International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS) (2016).