All Publications
“Hard choices: Children’s understanding of the cost of action selection. ”, in Cognitive Science Society, 2019. phk_cogsci_2019_final.pdf (276.14 KB) ,
CBMM Funded
“People's perceptions of others’ risk preferences.”, in Cognitive Science Society, 2019. risk_cogsci_2019_final.pdf (899.8 KB) ,
CBMM Funded
“Origins of the concepts cause, cost, and goal in prereaching infants.”, Cognitive Development Society. 2019. liu_etal_lumi_cds2019_final.pdf (22.95 MB) ,
CBMM Funded
“Minimal images in deep neural networks: Fragile Object Recognition in Natural Images”, in International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), New Orleans, La, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Biologically-plausible learning algorithms can scale to large datasets.”, in International Conference on Learning Representations, (ICLR 2019), 2019. gk7779.pdf (721.53 KB) ,
CBMM Funded
“Real-Time Readout of Large-Scale Unsorted Neural Ensemble Place Codes”, Cell Reports, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 2635 - 2642.e5, 2018. ,
CBMM Funded
“Minimal memory for details in real life events”, Scientific Reports, vol. 8, no. 1, 2018. ,
CBMM Funded
“Learning physical parameters from dynamic scenes.”, Cognitive Psychology, vol. 104, pp. 57-82, 2018. T-Ullman-etal_CogPsych_LearningPhysicalParametersFromDynamicScenes.pdf (3.15 MB) ,
CBMM Funded
“Shared gene co-expression networks in autism from induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) neurons”, in BioRxiv, 2018. ,
CBMM Related
CBMM Memo No.
“Partially Occluded Hands: A challenging new dataset for single-image hand pose estimation”. 2018. CBMM-Memo-097.pdf (8.53 MB) ,
CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Can Deep Neural Networks Do Image Segmentation by Understanding Insideness?”. 2018. CBMM-Memo-095.pdf (1.96 MB) ,
CBMM Funded
“Mental labour”, Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 2, no. 12, pp. 899 - 908, 2018. ,
CBMM Funded
“Neural Interactions Underlying Visuomotor Associations in the Human Brain”, Cerebral Cortex, vol. 1–17, 2018. ,
CBMM Funded
“Partially Occluded Hands: A challenging new dataset for single-image hand pose estimation”, in The 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2018), 2018. partially-occluded-hands-6.pdf (8.29 MB) ,
CBMM Funded
“Third-Party Preferences for Imitators in Preverbal Infants”, Open Mind, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 61 - 71, 2018. ,
CBMM Funded
“Trading robust representations for sample complexity through self-supervised visual experience”, in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31, Montreal, Canada, 2018, pp. 9640–9650. trading-robust-representations-for-sample-complexity-through-self-supervised-visual-experience.pdf (3.32 MB) NeurIPS2018_Poster.pdf (6.12 MB) ,
CBMM Memo No.
“Spatiotemporal interpretation features in the recognition of dynamic images”. 2018. CBMM-Memo-094.pdf (1.21 MB) (1.8 MB) fig1.ppsx (147.67 KB) fig2.ppsx (419.72 KB) fig4.ppsx (673.41 KB) figS1.ppsx (587.88 KB) figS2.ppsx (281.56 KB) ,
CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Single units in a deep neural network functionally correspond with neurons in the brain: preliminary results”. 2018. CBMM-Memo-093.pdf (2.99 MB) ,
CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Biologically-plausible learning algorithms can scale to large datasets”. 2018. CBMM-Memo-092.pdf (1.31 MB) ,
CBMM Funded
“Cortex Is Cortex: Ubiquitous Principles Drive Face-Domain Development”, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2018. 1-s2.0-S1364661318302572-main.pdf (260.4 KB) ,
CBMM Related
“A Minimal Turing Test”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 79, pp. 1 - 8, 2018. ,
CBMM Related
“The Language of Fake News: Opening the Black-Box of Deep Learning Based Detectors”, in workshop on "AI for Social Good", NIPS 2018, Montreal, Canada, 2018. fake-news-paper-NIPS.pdf (147.36 KB) fake-news-paper-NIPS_2018_v2.pdf (147.36 KB) ,
CBMM Funded
“Comparing human and monkey neural circuits for processing social scenes”, Société Francophone de Primatologie (SFDP) Annual Meeting, Paris, France. 2018. ,
CBMM Funded
“What is changing when: decoding visual information in movies from human intracranial recordings”, NeuroImage, vol. 180, Part A, pp. 147-159, 2018. Human neurophysiological responses during movies (2.78 MB) ,
CBMM Funded
“Planning Complexity Registers as a Cost in Metacontrol”, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 1391 - 1404, 2018. ,
CBMM Funded