
2017 Assignments

# Technical Topic Communication assignment Communication discussion
Winston reflects on the first 65 years
1 Turing suggests test for success Paper decoding Paper decoding, broken glass
2 Minsky provides a problem set Tenure recommendation Promises
Marr speaks to what constitutes good work Talking points, Contributions
3 Brooks denies value of representations
Davis and friends affirm value of representations
Empowerment, contributions, glass VSN–C
4 Tenenbaum and friends salute the Reverend Bayes
Glymour salutes Kepler
Panel preparation How to run a panel
5 Jackendoff grounds out in trajectories Trip report How to run a conference
6 Borchardt focuses on transitions Update letter Details sell
7 Minsky predicts important role for perception Review Review, Opening moves, Winston's Star
8 Larson grounds symbols in perception Press release How to write a press release
9 Hinton launches third wave White paper Improvement through knowledge engineering
10 Berwick & Chomsky explain how we are different Interview Mimicry
Lettvin finds bug detector
Tattersall finds symbolic species
Amnesty assignment How to do slides
11 Ullman explains visual routines Slide show How to run a study
12 Geiger argues that dyslexics see too much
Sutherland calls for courage
Letter to author(s) How to change a decision
How to threaten people
13 McIntyre builds contortionist Nomination letter How to write a nomination letter
14 Gergely learns from an infant Quint chart Selling it
Product introductions
15 Minsky gets emotional Op Ed How to construct posters
16 Lenat builds machine accessible encyclopedia Poster Investment criteria
17 Spelke explains how to turn MIT students into rats
Fedorenko tells us we don't need language to think
Speaker evaluation How to make decisions
18 Gentner thinks about analogy Chapter openings TeX
Book deals
18 Review Email dangers Integrety
How to speak
19 Winston tells yet another story Getting the message to Garcia How to follow
How to lead
Assignment Recommendation
Presentation Suggestions
How to applaud, Kabuki style
Assignment Recommendation
Presentation Suggestions
A boyfriend in a box