Title IX

The Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), an NSF Science & Technology Center, adheres to the policy on harassment set forth Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT.) For more detailed information regarding the MIT policies, please read the MIT Nondiscrimination and Non-retaliation Policies; Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policies at URL: https://policies.mit.edu/policies-procedures/70-general-employment-polic...

For information on the MIT Title IX Policies, please visit URL: https://titleix.mit.edu/

Any student, faculty, or staff member who has concerns about gender discrimination, including any concerns pertaining to sexual misconduct, is encouraged to seek the assistance of those listed on the MIT Title IX & Bias Response Office Staff page, see URL: https://titleix.mit.edu/about/staff  These staff members will provide information on resources for assistance and options to address concerns. Those options may vary depending on the nature of the complaint, whether the Complainant is a student, faculty, or staff member, the wishes of the Complainant regarding confidentiality, and whether the Complainant prefers to proceed formally or informally. Additionally, you can e-mail TitleIX@mit.edu.