Undergraduate Education

Academic Preparation for Graduate Work in the Science of Intelligence

Many undergraduate majors, combined with a complement of coursework in computer science, mathematics, neuroscience, and cognitive science, can prepare students for a graduate program focused on the interdisciplinary study of intelligence, as described in this document on undergraduate training. In addition, courses taught by CBMM faculty are open to advanced undergraduates with appropriate background, and develop integrative problem solving skills that combine theoretical and empirical thinking as well as multiple domains of intelligent behavior, such as vision, language, planning, and reasoning. Central to the modeling approaches emphasized in many of these courses is probabilistic learning and inference, drawing on background in probability and statistics, and techniques from machine learning. Research seminars hosted by the Center are also open to undergraduates, providing additional opportunities to learn about exciting cutting-edge research on the science of intelligence and the research methods used in this field.

CBMM faculty are committed to establishing strong teaching collaborations across the Center's academic partner institutions, including women and minority serving partners, on the development of curricular materials for interdisciplinary courses on the science of intelligence that can be adapted to a range of undergraduate programs. Through early exposure to research in this field, combined with strong mentorship by faculty at partner schools, the Center aims to increase the participation of women and minorities in CBMM graduate programs.

Undergraduate Research Experience

The CBMM summer research program provides opportunities for undergraduates majoring in any of the component disciplines at partner institutions to conduct research with CBMM faculty at MIT and Harvard. Students receive mentorship from faculty, postdocs, and graduate students in their research labs. They also participate in professional development and skills workshop and attend CBMM research seminars. These activities create opportunities for interacting with other summer research students and the broader CBMM community and participate in a poster session at the end of the summer program. The Center also funds academic year research for undergraduates from MIT and Wellesley, through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) at MIT and similar programs at partner institutions.