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Chen, F., Roig, G., Isik, L., Boix, X. & Poggio, T. Eccentricity Dependent Deep Neural Networks: Modeling Invariance in Human Vision. AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Science of Intelligence (2017). at <>PDF icon paper.pdf (963.87 KB)
Isik, L., Tacchetti, A. & Poggio, T. A fast, invariant representation for human action in the visual system. J Neurophysiol jn.00642.2017 (2017). doi:10.1152/jn.00642.2017PDF icon Author's last draft (695.63 KB)
Tacchetti, A., Isik, L. & Poggio, T. Invariant action recognition dataset. (2017). at <>
Tacchetti, A., Isik, L. & Poggio, T. Invariant recognition drives neural representations of action sequences. PLoS Comp. Bio (2017).
Tacchetti, A., Isik, L. & Poggio, T. Invariant recognition drives neural representations of action sequences. PLOS Computational Biology 13, e1005859 (2017).PDF icon journal.pcbi_.1005859.pdf (9.24 MB)
Isik, L., Koldewyn, K., Beeler, D. & Kanwisher, N. Perceiving social interactions in the posterior superior temporal sulcus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, (2017).
Isik, L., Singer, J., Madsen, J., Kanwisher, N. & Kreiman, G. What is changing when: Decoding visual information in movies from human intracranial recordings. Neuroimage (2017). doi: