Alan L. Yuille

Alan L. Yuille
Alan L.
Research Affiliate
Department:  Cognitive Science and Computer Science

Associated Research Thrust: 

Dr. Yuille is a mathematician and computer scientist interested in the biology of vision. His research spans several disciplines including computer vision, vision science, and neuroscience.

Alan Yuille received a BA degree in mathematics from the University of Cambridge in 1976. His PhD on theoretical physics, supervised by Prof. S.W. Hawking, was approved in 1981. He was a research scientist in the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT and the Division of Applied Sciences at Harvard University from 1982 to 1988. He served as an assistant and associate professor at Harvard until 1996. He was a senior research scientist at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute from 1996 to 2002. He joined the University of California, Los Angeles, as a full professor with a joint appointment in statistics and psychology in 2002. He obtained a joint appointment in computer science in 2007.

Dr. Yuille was appointed a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor at Johns Hopkins University in January 2016. He holds a joint appointment between the Departments of Cognitive science and Computer Science. 

Room:  Clark 324B | Krieger 147 (lab)

Past Advisees

John Flynn - Postdoc
Junhua Mao - Graduate Student
Zhou Ren - Graduate Student
Peng Wang - Graduate Student
Jianyu Wang - Graduate Student
Fangting Xia - Graduate Student
Zhishuai Zhang - Graduate Student
Jun Zhu - Postdoc

CBMM Publications

J. Wang, Zhang, Z., Xie, C., Zhou, Y., Premachandran, V., Zhu, J., Xie, L., and Yuille, A., Visual Concepts and Compositional Voting, Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (AMSA), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 151–188, 2018.
Z. Zhang, Qiao, S., Xie, C., Shen, W., Wang, B., and Yuille, A., Single-Shot Object Detection with Enriched Semantics, in Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Salt Lake City, Utah, 2018.
Z. Zhang, Xie, C., Wang, J., Xie, L., and Yuille, A., DeepVoting: An Explainable Framework for Semantic Part Detection under Partial Occlusion, in Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Salt Lake City, Utah, 2018.
J. Wang, Xie, C., Zhang, Z., Zhu, J., Xie, L., and Yuille, A., Detecting Semantic Parts on Partially Occluded Objects, in British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), London, UK, 2017.
J. Mao, Huang, J., Toshev, A., Camburu, O., Yuille, A., and Murphy, K., Generation and Comprehension of Unambiguous Object Descriptions, in The Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Las Vegas, Nevada, 2016.
A. Wong and Yuille, A., One Shot Learning via Compositions of Meaningful Patches, in International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015.
X. Chen and Yuille, A., Parsing Occluded People by Flexible Compositions, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2015.
A. Wong and Yuille, A., One Shot Learning by Composition of Meaningful Patches, in International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Santiago, Chile, 2015.
Z. Ren, Wang, C., and Yuille, A., Scene-Domain Active Part Models for Object Representation, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) . Santiago, Chile, pp. 2497 - 2505 , 2015.