CBMM Brains, Minds, and Machines Seminar Series: Mapping Responses in the Human Brain Through Space and Time

Photo of Prof. Aude Oliva (MIT CSAIL) September 21, 2021 - 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Prof. Aude Oliva, Senior Research Scientist, CSAIL; MIT Director MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab; Director MIT Quest Corporate; MIT


Abstract: The human brain is a time machine; We are constantly remembering our past, and projecting ourselves into the future. Capturing the brain’s response as these moments unfold could yield valuable insights into both how the brain works and how to better design human-centered AI systems. In this talk,  I will present our research on the human brain spatiotemporal dynamics of perceived or imagined events, using a combination of MEG (magneto-encephalography) and fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) methods. The fusion of both methods could lead to the development of biomarkers to aid clinicians in diagnosing disease, identifying cognitive impairments, finding ways to maintain or augment perception and cognition in healthy brains, and developing new brain-inspired machine-learning architectures.​

Speaker Biography: Aude Oliva, Ph.D. is the MIT director of the MIT–IBM Watson AI Lab and director of MIT Quest Corporate, MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, leading collaborations with industry to translate natural and artificial intelligence research into tools for the wider world. She is also a senior research scientist at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory where she heads the Computational Perception and Cognition group.Oliva has received an NSF Career Award in computational neuroscience, a Guggenheim fellowship in computer science and a Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship in cognitive neuroscience. She has served as an expert to the NSF Directorate of Computer and Information Science and Engineering on the topic of human and artificial intelligence. She is currently a member of the scientific advisory board for the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Her research is cross-disciplinary, spanning human perception and cognition, computer vision  and cognitive neuroscience, and focuses on research questions at the intersection of all three domains. She earned a MS and PhD in cognitive science from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France.​

Guidance for attending in-person:

MIT is requiring that all attendees, even MIT COVIDpass members, will be asked to sign-in to attend the talk in-person. The information that we are required to collect includes the attendee's name and cell phone number or email address, which will be used for contact tracing purposes only.

MIT attendees:
MIT attendees will need to be registered via the MIT COVIDpass system to have access to MIT Building 46.
Please visit URL https://covidpass.mit.edu/ for more information regarding MIT COVIDpass.

Non-MIT attendees:
MIT is currently welcoming visitors to attend talks in person. All visitors to the MIT campus are required to follow MIT COVID19 protocols, see URL https://now.mit.edu/policies/campus-access-and-visitors/.  Specifically, visitors are required to sign an attendee and contact tracking waiver upon arrival to the MIT campus and must wear a face-covering/mask while indoors. Please plan to arrive early complete the required attendee waiver prior to the start of the talk.
Access to MIT Bldg. 46 is restricted and visitors must be met at the door. Building access for this talk will be limited to the MIT BCS Dept. entrance at 43 Vassar Street, from 3:45 PM ET to 4:15 PM ET. This entrance is located on the street level - directly across from the Frank Gehry-designed CSAIL Stata Building. The entrance will be manned from 3:45 PM ET to 4:15 PM ET. We regret that we do not have sufficient staff to accommodate late arrivals.

Details to attend talk remotely via Zoom:

Zoom connection link: https://mit.zoom.us/j/91535711926?pwd=MlNxTU45dkRlQUxIejVLTkh6WldVQT09



MIT Building 46 | Brain and Cognitive Sciences Complex
September 21, 2021
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Singleton Auditorium (46-3002)