CBMM Virtual Research Meeting: Max Tegmark

Photo of Max Tegmark May 5, 2020 - 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Max Tegmark, MIT



Title: AI for physics & physics for AI


Abstract: After briefly reviewing how machine learning is becoming ever-more widely used in physics, I explore how ideas and methods from physics can help improve machine learning, focusing on automated discovery of mathematical formulas from data. I present a method for unsupervised learning of equations of motion for objects in raw and optionally distorted unlabeled video. I also describe progress on symbolic regression, i.e.,  finding a symbolic expression that matches data from an unknown function. Although this problem is likely to be NP-hard in general, functions of practical interest often exhibit symmetries, separability, compositionality and other simplifying properties. In this spirit, we have developed a recursive multidimensional symbolic regression algorithm that combines neural network fitting with a suite of physics-inspired techniques that discover and exploit these simplifying properties, enabling significant improvement of state-of-the-art performance.

Link for talk: https://mit.zoom.us/j/94413961955?pwd=Ni9TeSt3a2xpajkraGlJanJkOERBQT09

Password included in announcement email


May 5, 2020
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Link for Talk: https://mit.zoom.us/j/94413961955?pwd=Ni9TeSt3a2xpajkraGlJanJkOERBQT09