Helping robots see the big picture, Science

October 14, 2014

Prof. Tomaso Poggio was quoted in a recent Science article:

Helping robots see the big picture:
A computational approach called deep learning has transformed machine vision
By John Bohannon,
Science, October 10, 2014 • VOL 346 ISSUE 6206

“We have a long way to go before machines can see as well as humans,” says Tomaso Poggio, who studies both machine and biological vision at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) agrees. Poggio now heads an NSF funded initiative called the Center for Brains,
Minds and Machines. Most of the center’s research is focused on understanding how human vision works and emulating it with
computers. For example, Poggio says, “I can show a child a couple of examples of something and he will identify it again easily without having to train on millions of images.” He calls this trick object invariance a representation of an object that allows humans
to identify it in any setting, from any angle, in any lighting and his research focuses on capturing it as a computer algorithm.”

Click hear to read article: Helping robots see the big picture (PDF)