The Next Step to Ensuring Beneficial AI

February 1, 2017

[From the January 2017 newsletter of the Future of Life Institute]

"Two years ago, after an exciting conference in Puerto Rico that included many of the top minds in AI, we produced two open letters -- one on beneficial AI and one on autonomous weapons -- which were signed and supported by tens of thousands of people. But that was just one step along the path to creating artificial intelligence that will benefit us all. 

This month, we brought together even more AI researchers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders for our second Beneficial AI Conference, held in Asilomar, California [and co-sponsored by the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines]. Speakers and panelists discussed the future of AI, economic impacts, legal issues, ethics, and more. And during breakout sessions, groups gathered to discuss what basic principles we could all agree on that could help shape a future of beneficial AI..."

Read the January 2017 newsletter on the Future of Life Institute.

Read A Principled AI Discussion in Asilomar on the Future of Life Institute.