Sparse Models, The Math, And A New Theory For Ground-Breaking AI [Forbes]

August 17, 2023

John Werner - Contributor [I am an MIT Senior Fellow, 5x-founder & VC investing in AI]

Get ready for a lot of math…!

We have sort of an intuitive understanding of a big need in artificial intelligence and machine learning, which has to do with making sure that systems converge well, and that data is oriented the right way. Also, that we understand what these tools are doing, that we can look under the hood.

A lot of us have already heard of the term “curse of dimensionality,” but Tomaso Armando Poggio invokes this frightening trope with a good bit of mathematics attached… (Poggio is the Eugene McDermott professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, a researcher at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, and a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)

In talking about the contributions of Alessandro Volta in 1800 and his development of the first battery, BB makes the analogy to current technology and the frontier that we’re facing now.

We need, he says, a theory of machine learning to provide, in his words, “deep explainability” and for other kinds of fundamental advancement...

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