Joel Oppenheim

Joel Oppenheim
Professor Emeritus and Diversity Advisor to the Office of Science Research at NYU School of Medicine

I am presently Professor Emeritus and Diversity Advisor to the Office of Science Research at NYU School of Medicine. From 1973 – 1994 I ran an NIH funded research lab in the Department of Microbiology at NYU and served as the departmental graduate advisor and co-PI on the departmental NIH T-32 training grant. From 1994 until May 2014 i served as the Senior Associate Dean for Biomedical Sciences and Director of the Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences at NYU School of Medicine. In these positions i oversaw all PhD (~275 students), MD/PhD (~75 students) and Postdoctoral (>700) trainees and all graduate research training programs (12). I served (and still serve) on the NYU School of Medicine’s MD and MD/PhD. Admissions Committees for the past 24 years. Some of my accomplishments include: founder and director of the NYU’s Summer Undergraduate Research and Postdoctoral Programs; founder of the “What Can You Be With a PhD?” Symposium, the largest university based career development program for predoctoral students and postdoctoral fellows in the country; I have served on many national advisory committees (AAMC, NIH, NRC, NSF, ASM, Leadership Alliance, and UNCF/Merck), grant study sections (NCATS, NIAID, NIGMS, NSF, Sloan Foundation, UNCF/Merck), and as a reviewer of numerous NRC, NSF and NAS reports involved with graduate education, pipeline issues and the recruitment and retention of underrepresented students to graduate programs; I have also has served (serve) on the external advisory boards and program review boards of a number of state and national accrediting agencies, colleges and universities (presently including MIT’s CBMM program, Harvard Medical School’s CTSA, Brown University’s Postbacc, UNCF Merck and UC Santa Cruz IMSD program).  I have been an invited speaker to over 70 colleges and universities, at the NRC, NSF and NIH as well as at ABRCMS, IRACDA, Leadership Alliance, McNair, SACNAS and UNCF/Merck national meetings, speaking to students and faculty on topics ranging from how to prepare for and apply to graduate and professional schools, to strategies for the recruitment and retention of students and career options.  In 2010 I was the recipient of the AAAS (American Association of the Advancement of Sciences) Life Time Mentoring Award, one of the nations highest mentoring awards. I was also one of the founding members of the Leadership Alliance in 1992, which in 2010 received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Engineering and Mathematics.

CBMM Publications