Infants and toddlers leverage their understanding of action goals to evaluate agents who help others

TitleInfants and toddlers leverage their understanding of action goals to evaluate agents who help others
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsWoo, BM, Spelke, ES
JournalChild Development
Date Published02/2023

Why do infants and toddlers prefer helpers? Four experiments (conducted from 2019–2022; n = 136, 66% White, 15% Asian, 4% Black, 2% Hispanic/Latino, 13% multiracial, majority USA) investigated whether infants and toddlers favor agents whose actions allow others to achieve their goals. In the key experiment, 8-month-old infants and 15-month-old toddlers viewed a protagonist who tried and failed to open a box that contained a toy while two other agents (helpers) observed; then the toys were exchanged and the helpers opened different boxes. Infants and toddlers differently evaluated the two helpers, consistent with their developing means-end understanding. Together, the present four experiments connect infants' and toddlers' evaluations of helping to their understanding of goal-directed behavior.

Short TitleChild Development

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