Recognizing and Interpreting Social Interactions in Local Image Regions

TitleRecognizing and Interpreting Social Interactions in Local Image Regions
Publication TypeConference Abstract
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsBen-Yosef, G, Yachin, A, Ullman, S
Conference NameThe 24th Annual Workshop on Object Perception, Attention, and Memory (OPAM), Boston, MA
Date Published11/2016

Understanding social interactions (such as 'hug' or 'fight') is a basic and important capacity of the human visual system, but a challenging and still open problem for modeling. Here we study visual recognition of social interactions, based on small but recognizable local regions. The approach is based on two novel key components: (i) A given social interaction can be recognized reliably from reduced images (called 'minimal images'). (ii) The recognition of a social interaction depends on identifying components and relations within the minimal image (termed 'interpretation'). We show psychophysics data for minimal images and modeling results for their interpretation. 


(Accepted for oral presentation)

Citation Key2723

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  • CBMM Funded