Rebecca Saxe: Patterns of Minds: Decoding Features of ToM and MVPA
Topics: Theory of Mind (ToM): false belief task embodies a difference between reality and what a character thinks; 5 year olds can do false belief tasks while 3 year olds cannot; fMRI study reveals regions selectively involved in reasoning about mental states, in right/left temporal parietal junction, medial prefrontal cortex, and posterior cingulate; decoding features of ToM, e.g. what is the population code of neurons (voxels) that encode information about mental states; test case: morally relevant thoughts, e.g. distinguishing stories with very similar events but differing moral blame; scale from accidental vs. intentional harm is correlated with RTPJ activity; information about justification and source of information (e.g. visual vs. auditory) also encoded in RTPJ activity