Emily Mackevicius: Learning from a Computational Neuroscience Perspective

Emily Mackevicius: Learning from a Computational Neuroscience Perspective

Date Posted:  June 2, 2014
Date Recorded:  June 2, 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):  Emily Mackevicius
  • All Captioned Videos
  • Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014

Topics: Marr levels of analysis, types of learning (unsupervised, supervised, reinforcement), Hebb rule, LTP, correlation and covariance based learning, reinforcement learning, classical conditioning, conditioning paradigms, credit assignment problem, TD learning, model-free vs. model based learning; birdsong: behavior, how the brain produces song, refinement through reinforcement learning (Goldberg, Fee, J. Neurophysiology 2011)