Jim DiCarlo: Introduction to the Visual System, Part 1

Jim DiCarlo: Introduction to the Visual System, Part 1

Date Posted:  June 4, 2014
Date Recorded:  June 4, 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):  James DiCarlo
  • All Captioned Videos
  • Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014

Topics: Why study object recognition in the brain; comparison of behavior in humans and monkeys; overview of the ventral visual stream and the ventral (what) vs. dorsal (where) pathways; retinal receptive fields; simple and complex cells in V1; shape features that drive V4 responses; response properties of IT neurons; increase in size of receptive fields along the ventral stream; spatial organization of IT cortex; face patches; the challenge of recognition: image variation, object manifolds (DiCarlo, Cox, TICS 2007; Pinto, Cox, DiCarlo, PLoS Computational Biology 2008; DiCarlo, Zoccolan, Rust, Neuron 2012)

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