Course Schedule


Course Schedule

The following is a tentative schedule for the Fall 2018 semester.






Tomaso Poggio

(CBMM Module 1)

Aspects of a Computational Theory of Intelligence

1) Computational role of eccentricity dependent cortical magnification 

  2) "Neuroscience-Inspired AI" - Hassabis et al. - Neuron (2017)  

3) CBMM Grant Proposal


Shimon Ullman

(CBMM Module 2, 3 and 4)

Digital baby: innate structures and knowledge

1) Atoms of recognition in human and computer vision - Ullman et al. - PNAS (2016)

2) From simple innate biases to complex visual concepts - Ullman et al. - PNAS (2012) 


Student holiday


Matt Wilson

(CBMM Module 2)

Hippocampal mechanisms of memory and cognition

1) Hippocampal Replay of Extended Experience - Davidson et al. - Neuron (2009)

2) Oscillations, neural computations and learning during wake and sleep - Penagos et al. - Current Opinion in Neurobiology (2017)

3) Enhancement of encoding and retrieval functions through theta phase specific manipulation of hippocampus - Siegle et al. - eLife (2014)


Gabriel Kreiman

(CBMM Module 2)

The Brain's Operating System

1) Finding any Waldo with zero-shot invariant and efficient visual search - Zhang et al. - Nature communications (2018)

10/12 Josh McDermott

Sound, Ears, Brains, and World

1) Adaptive and selective time averaging of auditory scenes - McWalter et al. - Current Biology (2018)

2) Summary statistics in auditory perception - McDermott et al. - Nature neuroscience (2013)

3) Sound texture perception via statistics of the auditory periphery: evidence from sound synthesis - McDermott et al. - Neuron (2011)


Margaret Livingstone

(CBMM Module 1)

Functional Modules: what good are they and how do we get them?  

1) Genealogy of the “grandmother cell” - Gross, C. G. - The Neuroscientist (2002)

2) Why have multiple cortical areas? - Barlow, H. B. - Vision research (1986)


Andrei Barbu

(CBMM Module 4)

Language and Vision

1) Deep sequential models for sampling-based planning - Kuo et al. - IROS (2018)


Jim DiCarlo

Reverse Engineering Human Visual Intelligence

1) How Does the Brain Solve Visual Object Recognition? - DiCarlo et al. - Neuron (2012)

2) Using goal-driven deep learning models to understand
sensory cortex -
Yamins et al. - Nature Neuroscience (2016)

3) Brain-Score: Which Artificial Neural Network for Object Recognition is most Brain-Like? - Schrimpf et al. - bioRxiv (2018)


Josh Tenenbaum

(CBMM Module 3)

Computational Models of Cognition

1) Building Machines That Learn and Think Like People - Lake et al. - Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2016)

2) Galileo: Perceiving physical object properties by integrating a physics engine with deep learning - Wu et al. - NIPS (2015)

3) Marrnet: 3d shape reconstruction via 2.5 d sketches - Wu et al. - NIPS (2017)

4) Efficient inverse graphics in biological face processing - Yildirim et al. - bioRxiv (2018)

11/09 Deadline: Project registration


Bob Desimone

(CBMM Module 2)


1) A Soruce for Feature-based Attention in the Prefrontal Cortex - Bichot et al. - Neuron (2015)

2) Pulvinar-cortex interactions in vision and attention - Zhou et al. - Neuron (2016)

11/21 Deadline: Submission of the draft of the report
11/23 THANKSGIVING -  No Class


Nancy Kanwisher

(CBMM Module 3)

The Functional Architecture of Human Intelligence

1) Functional neuroanatomy of intuitive physical inference - Fischer et al. - PNAS (2016)

2) Perceiving social interactions in the posterior superior temporal sulcus - Isik et al. - PNAS (2017)

11/30 Deadline: Submission of the final report Or Communication Lab appointment


Presentations And Extended report deadline if there was an appointment with the Communication Lab