Biological and Artificial Intelligence

robot shape made up of word cloud
Course Number(s): 
Neuro 140, Neuro 240


  • Spring 2024

Course Level: 

  • Graduate, Undergraduate
Syllabus:  PDF icon Neuro140_Spring2023_Syllabus.pdf
Class Days/Times: 
Tue 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Course Description: 

This is a seminar-style course which provides a foundational overview of key ideas in Computational Neuroscience and the study of Biological Intelligence. At the same time, the course will connect the study of brains to the blossoming and rapid development of ideas in Artificial Intelligence. Topics covered include the biophysics of computation, neural networks, machine learning, bayesian models, theory of learning, deep convolutional networks, generative adversarial networks, neural coding, control and dynamics of neural activity, applications to brain-machine interfaces, connectomics, among others. Lectures will be taught by leading Harvard experts in the field.

Faculty include:  Andrei Barbu, Richard Born, Boaz Barak, Jan Drugowitsch, Sam Gershman, Gabriel Kreiman, Susan Murph, Cengiz Pehlevan, Haim Sompolinsky, Tomer Ullman