CBMM Investigator, Ed Boyden’s newest research: Illuminating neuron activity in 3-D
May 19, 2014 - 5:00 pm
CBMM Investigator Ed Boyden is in the news:  Featured on the NSF Homepage and MIT News. “Researchers at MIT and the University of Vienna have created an imaging system that reveals neural activity throughout the brains of living animals. This technique, the first that can generate 3-D movies of entire brains at the millisecond timescale, could help scientists discover how neuronal networks process sensory information and generate behavior....
Parsing Objects and Scenes in Two- and Three-Dimensions
May 16, 2014 - 4:00 pm
MIT: McGovern Institute Singleton Auditorium, 46-3002
Alan L. Yuille, Professor & Investigator, UCLA
Topic: Progress on CBMM Challenge
We continue the series of weekly discussions and reports on each CBMM challenge question describing progress and problems of ongoing work at CBMM.
Thrust 5 is focused on models for the CBMM challenge that can answer CBMM challenge questions while being...
May 16, 2014 - 3:00 pm
MIT: McGovern Institute Seminar Room, 46-5193
Meeting Notes:
Extend the CBMM postdoc group meetings to include also CBMM graduate students. The consensus was that CBMM graduate students are welcome to attend the meetings. The general agenda of the group meetings will still focus mainly on postdoc-related interests such as research activities,...
May 15, 2014 - 5:00 pm
With the goal of creating interactive dialog and building collaborations, researchers from the GE-Analytics lab and CBMM researchers met to discuss projects related to visual intelligence, image analysis, knowledge modeling, and neuroscience. The program started with an overview presentation about  CBMM by Matt Wilson, Associate Director, and from GE by Rahul Bhotika.  In the afternoon, GE and CBMM researchers presented their work to smaller...
May 9, 2014 - 4:00 pm
Ben Deen
Collaborator: Nancy Kanwisher, Rebecca Saxe; CBMM Thrust 4 – Social Intelligence
Progress of CBMM Challenge – Social Intelligence
The central aim of Thrust 4 is to understand nonverbal social perception, or the ability to make high-level social inferences from perceptual information, in...
May 2, 2014 - 4:00 pm
Harvard University: Northwest Bldg, Room 243
Noah Goodman; CBMM Thrust 1 – Development of Intelligence
Progress on the CBMM Challenge Questions: What is there? and Who is there?
Thrust 1 presents this week episode in our series of weekly discussions on progress on the CBMM challenge questions. The thrust is focused on the development of intelligence and on how to model it. It is therefore...
April 30, 2014 - 5:30 pm
Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship in Computational Cognitive Science Joint Search by the Johns Hopkins University School of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering The Johns Hopkins University seeks an internationally recognized leader as a tenured, endowed Bloomberg Distinguished Professor in the area of computational cognitive science. We seek an individual whose research agenda in computation and cognition will...
April 30, 2014 - 5:30 pm
Regularization Methods for Machine Learning (RegML) Instructors: Francesca Odone (francesca.odone [at] unige.it ); Lorenzo Rosasco (lorenzo.rosasco [at] unige.it) Machine Learning PhD Summer Course in Genoa, Italy June 30, 2104 – July 4, 2014 A 20 hours advanced machine learning course including theory classes and practical laboratory session. The course covers foundations as well as recent advances in Machine Learning with emphasis on high...
Nancy Kanwisher at Ted2014 discusses the complexity of facial recognition
April 29, 2014 - 5:30 pm
Nancy Kanwisher, Leader for CBMM’s Research Thrust 4 – Social Intelligence, recently discussed her research at Ted2014. The Kanwisher Lab utilizes brain imaging to identify and understand new functionally specific brain regions and their role in perception and social cognition.  Nancy’s Ted Talk specifically focuses on the face-processing region of the brain and the effects on face recognition. Take a look at the overview of her talk on Ted...
April 28, 2014 - 5:15 pm
In an article describing the development of the Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, MIT Technology Review discusses the evolution of Artificial Intelligence and the challenging questions we seek to answer. Read the feature, “Mens et Apparata,” here >
Robert Desimone
April 28, 2014 - 5:15 pm
CBMM’s Robert Desimone, the Doris and Don Berkey Professor of Neuroscience, director of MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research, and Investigator with Thrust 2 – Circuits for Intelligence and Thrust 5 – Theories of Intelligence, has a new article in Science about object-based attention.  The study used neuroimaging methods to examine how our brains direct visual attention to different types of objects. Read the MIT News article here...
Google CEO Larry Page discusses CBMM Partner DeepMind at Ted2014
April 28, 2014 - 5:15 pm
In a recent Ted2014 Talk, Charlie Rose asks Larry Page about CBMM Industrial Partner, DeepMind. Recently acquired by Google, DeepMind works on the exciting and ever-changing fields of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Systems Neuroscience. Page praises DeepMind’s work on the evolution of Machine Learning as well as the significance of merging neuroscience and computer science to further develop the Artificial Intelligence field....
Top-down Control of Attention
April 25, 2014 - 4:00 pm
MIT: McGovern Institute Seminar Room, 46-3189
Robert Desimone; Thrust 2 – Circuits for Intelligence and Thrust 5 – Theories of Intelligence
Progress on the CBMM challenge questions: What/Who is there?
We continue the series of weekly discussions and reports on each CBMM challenge question describing progress and problems of ongoing work at CBMM.
Thrust 2 is focused on the Neural Circuits and on how models for the CBMM...
April 25, 2014 - 11:00 am
The CBMM Postdoc Group meeting will be hosted at MIT.  This week we will have a special event and collaborate with members of the GE-Analytics Team.
Special collaboration meeting with researchers from GE Analytics.
There were 38 participants, 9 from GE and 29 CBMM postdocs, grad-students...
Gary Marcus
April 22, 2014 - 4:00 pm
MIT: McGovern Institute Singleton Auditorium, 46-3002
Gary Marcus, Professor of Psychology at NYU and Visiting Cognitive Scientist at the Allen Institute for Brain..., Adam Marblestone, Harvard University and Tom Dean, Google
The human neocortex participates in a wide range of tasks, yet superficially appears to adhere to a relatively uniform six-layered architecture throughout its extent. For that reason, much research has been devoted to characterizing a single “canonical” cortical...
