L. Mahadevan: Ill Posed Problems

L. Mahadevan: Ill Posed Problems

Date Posted:  May 29, 2014
Date Recorded:  May 29, 2014
CBMM Speaker(s):  L. Mahadevan
  • All Captioned Videos
  • Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2014

Topics: Inverse problems are pervasive in physics, geophysics, biology, engineering; definition of direct vs. inverse problem; direct problem may involve linear or nonlinear operator, and there may be noise; definition of well-posed problems (solution exists and is unique and stable); issues of sampling, noise, stability; inverse problems are typically ill-posed and can be regularized, for example, by minimizing both accuracy and smoothness; linear (matrix) inverse problems, SVD, least squares solution, eliminating infeasible solutions, selecting relative weight of accuracy vs. smoothness terms; example: blurring/deblurring using Tikhonov regularization; probabilistic (Bayesian) approach to inverse problems, e.g. MLE and MAP; minimizing least squares error for linear inverse problems is analogous to maximizing the likelihood if noise is Gaussian

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