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Comparing human and monkey neural circuits for processing social scenes. Society for Neuroscience's Annual Meeting - SfN 2017 (2017).
A Dedicated Network for Social Interaction Processing in the Primate Brain. Science Vol. 356, pp. 745-749 (2017).
From agents to actions to interactions: Uncovering multiple social networks in the primate brain. Society for Social and Affective Neuroscience (2017).
A Network for Social interaction understanding in the primate brain. Organization for Human Brain Mapping - OHBM 2017 (2017).
Two areas for familiar face recognition in the primate brain. Science 357, 591 - 595 (2017).
591.full_.pdf (928.29 KB)

View-Tolerant Face Recognition and Hebbian Learning Imply Mirror-Symmetric Neural Tuning to Head Orientation. Current Biology 27, 1-6 (2017).
From agents to actions to interactions: Uncovering multiple social networks in the primate brain. Society for Neuroscience (2016).
SFN2016.pdf (555.77 KB)

Contrasting Specializations for Facial Motion within the Macaque Face-Processing System. Current Biology 25, (2015).
Facial Motion Selectivity in the Macaque Brain (1.43 MB)

Efficient and robust analysis-by-synthesis in vision: A computational framework, behavioral tests, and modeling neuronal representations. Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (2015).
yildirimetal_cogsci15.pdf (3.22 MB)

Face Patch Resting State Networks Link Face Processing to Social Cognition. PLoS Biology 13, e1002245 (2015).
Intelligent Information Loss: The Coding of Facial Identity, Head Pose, and Non-Face Information in the Macaque Face Patch System. The Journal of Neuroscience 35, (2015).
Whole-agent selectivity within the macaque face-processing system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 112, (2015).
Authors' last version of article. (3.1 MB)