Week 1
Monday the 10th:
- Gabriel Kreiman - Introduction slides (PDF)
- Tomaso Poggio - Introduction slides (PDF)
- Jim DiCarlo:
- Slides (PDF - updated 8-11)
- Mentioned Papers:
- PNAS 2014 (Yamins) https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/111/23/8619.full.pdf
- Science 2019 (Bashivan) https://science.sciencemag.org/content/sci/364/6439/eaav9436.full.pdf
- Nature Neuro 2019 (Kar) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-019-0392-5.pdf
- BioRxiv 2020 (Lee, TDANNs) https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.09.185116v1.full.pdf
- Related Links:
http://www.brain-score.org/ - Here is our Gitbhub page that walks folks how to download data through Brain-Score.
- Tutorial - Ethan Meyers:
- Readings (optional):
- Meyers E, and Kreiman G (2011). Tutorial on Pattern Classification in Cell Recording. In: Visual population codes.
- Kreigeskorte, N., and Kreiman, G. (eds.), MIT Press. Meyers E, (2013). The Neural Decoding Toolbox. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 7:8.
- Readings (optional):
Tuesday the 11th:
- Christof Koch:
- Slides (PDF)
- Abstract:
- The mammalian visual system, from retina to neocortex, has been extensively studied at both anatomical and functional levels. Anatomy indicates this system is organized hierarchically, but direct observation of cellular-level functional interactions across multiple levels of this hierarchy is lacking, partially due to the challenge of simultaneously recording activity across numerous regions. We here describe a large, open dataset, part of the Allen Brain Observatory, that surveys spiking from tens of thousands of units in six cortical and two thalamic regions in the mouse responding to a battery of visual stimuli. Using spike cross-correlation analysis, we reveal that the organization of inter-area functional connectivity during visual stimulation mirrors the anatomical hierarchy from the Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas. Supporting the role of this hierarchy in visual processing, we find that classical hierarchical measures, including response latency, receptive field size, phase-locking to a drifting grating stimulus, and response decay timescale are all correlated with the hierarchy. Moreover, recordings during a visual task reveal that the correlation between neural activity and behavioral choice increases along the hierarchy.
- Readings:
- bioRxiv paper related to my talk but also to our massive (100,000 recorded units) BrainObservatory database that we've recorded throughout the mouse brain and that we've used to make a number of discoveries (now under 2nd stage review). All of these neurons, aligned to the high-dimensional spatial 3-D brain-wide coordinate system, the CCFv3, can be accessed here via our SDK, including tutorials, white-papers and so on.
- a short cheat-sheet for all of this data (PDF). Note that the vast majority of these neurons and their responses have not been analyzed, so there is much to discover here.
- Aleksander Madry:
- Slides (PDF)
- Videos:
- teaser - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwAVyB6z4ok
- follow up - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQrWtRDCQ1E
- comprehensive coverage of relevant material here - https://cbmm.mit.edu/video/adversarial-examples-and-human-ml-alignment - including code and demos.
- Readings:
- Gabriel Kreiman:
Wednesday the 12th:
- Tomaso Poggio: Slides (PDF)
- Tutorial - Barbu, Mayo, Conwell: Slides (PDF) and http://bit.ly/Neural-Cheese is the link to the Google Colab
- Antonio Torralba:
- Panel - Thomas Serre, Kanwisher and Tenenbaum:
- Slides:
Thursday the 13th:
- Pietro Perona: https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.04132
- Boris Katz:
- Andrei Barbu:
Friday the 14th:
- Josh Tenenbaum: Slides (PDF)
- Constantinos Daskalakis: Slides (PDF)
- Nancy Kanwisher:
- Videos:
- A Computational Explanation for Domain Specificity in the Human Visual System - https://cbmm.mit.edu/video/computational-explanation-domain-specificity-...
- http://nancysbraintalks.mit.edu
- Videos:
- Panel - Schulz, Wilson, Roy, Murthy:
Week 2
Monday the 17th:
- Marge Livingstone:
- Winrich Freiwald:
- Readings:
- Readings:
- Tutorial - Marta Kryven: Slides (PDF)
- Panel - Tegmark, Muller Kreiman and Tenenbaum:
Tuesday the 18th:
- Haim Sompolinsky:
- Shimon Ullman - No additional readings required.
- Christos Papdimitrious:
- Reading:
a paper that contains useful background for my talk - https://www.pnas.org/content/117/25/14464.short
- Reading:
Wednesday the 19th:
- Stefanie Tellex:
- Leslie Kaelbling:
- Readings:
- an essay to help set the stage - https://medium.com/@lpk_61328/engineering-ai-e310b8044d78
- Readings:
- Tutorial - Mengmi Zhang: Slides (PDF)
- Panel - Oliva, Gershman:
- Readings:
Thursday the 20th:
- Matt Wilson:
- Lorenzo Rosasco: Slides (PDF)
Friday the 21st:
- Josh McDermott:
- Tutorial Arturo Deza: Slides (PDF)
- Philip Nelson: