MIT Quest for Intelligence Launch: The Future of Intelligence Science (10:02)
Early in the spring of 2018, MIT launched the MIT Quest for Intelligence to advance the science and engineering of both human and machine intelligence. This Institute-wide initiative “seeks to discover the foundations of human intelligence and drive the development of technological tools that can positively influence virtually every aspect of society.” At the MIT Quest Launch event on March 1, 2018, several CBMM faculty described their vision of this Quest for Intelligence, highlighting synergies with the scientific mission of the Center.
James DiCarlo, Head of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, describes how studies of the brain and cognitive sciences, merged with the creation of engineered systems, enable a deeper understanding of human intelligence.
Related Videos:
- Tomaso Poggio, The science and engineering of intelligence (13:09)
- Laura Schulz, Thinking big by starting small (10:07)
- Rebecca Saxe, Building a social brain (7:19)
- Joshua Tenenbaum, Scaling AI the human way (12:14)
Additional Resources:
- View presentations by other MIT researchers at the MIT Quest Launch website
- Learn more about the MIT Quest for Intelligence