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Figure 2 from CBMM Memo No. 51
Understanding language goes hand in hand with the ability to integrate complex contextual information obtained via perception. In this work, we present a novel task for grounded language understanding: disambiguating a sentence given a visual scene which
ed boyden
“If we imagine the brain as a computer, optogenetics is a key that allows us to send extremely precise commands. It is a tool whereby we can manipulate the brain with exquisite precision.” - Ed Boyden
Detail from special issue cover.
"The goal of this special issue was to explore some of the mathematical ideas and problems at the heart of deep learning. ..."
This work examines the impact of crosslinguistic transfer on grammatical errors in English as Second Language (ESL) texts.
Research figure from memo.
The primate brain contains a hierarchy of visual areas, dubbed the ventral stream, which rapidly computes object representations that are both specific for object identity and relatively robust against identity-preserving transformations ...
Research image: Table 1 from CBMM Memo No. 048
"How do people learn about complex functional structure? Taking inspiration from other areas of cognitive science, we propose that this is accomplished by harnessing compositionality: complex structure is decomposed into simpler building blocks. ..."
The Matter of Minds
MIT's Campaign for a Better World recently kicked off spotlighting the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines as a campaign priority.
Figure 2: Modeling the ventral stream of visual cortex using a multi-state fully recurrent neural network
Authors discuss relations between Residual Networks (ResNet), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and the primate visual cortex.
“On invariance and selectivity in representation learning,” Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 2016
Illustration by Christine Daniloff.
The workshop aims at bringing together leading scientists in deep learning and related areas within machine learning, artificial intelligence, mathematics, statistics, and neuroscience. [Participation is by invitation only.]
For three days we will bring together computer scientists/roboticists, cognitive scientists, and neuroscientists to share and discuss advances in integrated, multimodal approaches to the study of human intelligence. Registration is open for EU attendees.
Photo of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, photo credit Pam Wilmot
An intensive three-week course which will give a “deep end” introduction to the problem of intelligence.
Screenshot of video player
Watch Prof. Seth Lloyd's CBMM Special Seminar talk "Topological Treatment of Neural Activity and the Quantum Question Order Effect," recorded on April 26, 2016, in the Singleton Auditorium, MIT.
Photo of Prof. Shimon Ullman
The Academy elected 37 Foreign Honorary Members from 17 countries. Included among these Foreign Honorary Members is Prof. Shimon Ullman, Weizmann Institute of Science.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2015 Review
Written by Gabriel Kreiman - The charming city of Montreal hosted more than 4000 researchers from all over the globe during the Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference...
