Home Page Spotlights
"Brain Training…for Machines: ... Poggio, who directs the MIT-based Center for Brains, Minds and Machines, is trying to endow computers with more human-like intelligence. "
Prof. Ullman honored for his “far-reaching contributions to artificial intelligence and general cognition, and particularly in the field of computer vision, and for his significant contribution to the development of the hightech industry."
Game-playing software holds lessons for neuroscience by Elizabeth Gibney on February 25, 2015 Photo credit: Google DeepMind
Nancy Kanwisher: What Does It Take To Map The Human Brain?; Rebecca Saxe: How Do We Know What Other People Are Thinking?
The Future of Life Institute, based in Cambridge, MA and headed by Max Tegmark (MIT), is seeking proposals for research projects aimed to maximize the future societal benefit of artificial intelligence while avoiding potential hazards.
The Edge Foundation poses an annual questions to researchers and intellectuals. The Edge Question 2015 is “WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MACHINES THAT THINK?”
Prof. Tomaso Poggio responds to the public debate regarding the risks of AI (Artificial Intelligence). This is the first View published in the new CBMM's View+Reviews series.
Watch the video of the CBMM panel discussion "The Road to Intelligence," with Profs. Geoffrey E. Hinton, Bob Desimone, Laura Schulz, Josh Tenenbaum, Shimon Ullman, and Patrick H Winston; chaired by Prof. Tomaso Poggio, recorded on Dec. 4, 2014.
Watch Prof. Jun Zhang's Brains, Minds and Machines Seminar Series talk " Reflexive Theory of Mind Reasoning in Games," taped on Dec.2, 2014, in the Singleton Auditorium, MIT.
Director of NSF-funded Center for Brains, Minds and Machines recognized for his work developing computational models of the human visual system.
We review and apply a computational theory of the feedforward path of the ventral stream in visual cortex based on the hypothesis that its main function is the encoding of invariant representations of images.
A neural portrait of the human mind. (Filmed Mar 2014) Brain imaging pioneer Nancy Kanwisher, who uses fMRI scans to see activity in brain regions (often her own), shares what she and her colleagues have learned.
Searching for the “Free Will” Neuron by David Talbot, June 17, 2014, Photo credit: Leonard Greco
Watch Prof Mitchell's Brains, Minds and Machines Seminar Series talk "Neural Representations of Language Meaning," from September 30, 2014, Singleton Auditorium, MIT.
Watch Dr. Christof Koch's Brains, Minds, and Machines Seminar talk, "The Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness", from September 23, 2014, MIT.