LH - Lecture Series, -Science of Intelligence Public Series: Building machines that see, learn, and think like people

Building machines that see, learn, and think like people
Josh Tenenbaum talks about how reverse-engineering the human mind and brain provides valuable insights into how we can create an AI that is able to model the world as flexibly and deeply as humans.

This talk by Josh Tenenbaum was presented as part of the MIT course, 6.S099: Artificial General Intelligence, taught in January, 2018. This course takes an engineering approach to exploring possible research paths toward building human-level intelligence. Josh Tenenbaum highlights some ways that a deep understanding of how the human mind and brain solve complex tasks of general intelligence can provide valuable insights into the design of artificial systems that are able to build models of the world to support explanation, imagination, planning, thinking, and communicating, as flexibly and deeply as humans. 


    Building machines that see, learn, and think like people (1:35:08)

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