CBMM presenting at NeurIPS 2019

Neural Information Processing Systems logo
December 6, 2019

The Center for Brains, Minds and Machines is well-represented at the thirty-third Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019).

Below, you will find listings to papers/proceedings accepted and accompanying coverage:


Metamers of neural networks

Modeling Expectation Violation in Intuitive Physics with Coarse Probabilistic Object Representations
K. A. Smith, Mei, L., Yao, S., Wu, J., Spelke, E. S., Tenenbaum, J. B., and Ullman, T. D., 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019). Vancouver, Canada, 2019.
(* indicates equal contribution)

J. Kubilius*, Schrimpf, M.*, Kar, K., Rajalingham, R., Hong, H., Majaj, N. J., Issa, E. B., Bashivan, P., Prescott-Roy, J., Schmidt, K., Nayebi, A., Bear, D., Yamins, D. L. K., and DiCarlo, J. J., 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019). Vancouver, Canada, 2019.

"Finding Friend and Foe in Multi-Agent Games"
Jack Serrino (MIT) · Max Kleiman-Weiner (Harvard/MIT) · David Parkes (Harvard University) · Josh Tenenbaum (MIT)

"Write, Execute, Assess: Program Synthesis with a REPL"
Kevin Ellis (MIT) · Maxwell Nye (MIT) · Yewen Pu (MIT) · Felix Sosa (Harvard and Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines) · Josh Tenenbaum (MIT) · Armando Solar-Lezama (MIT)

"Visual Concept-Metaconcept Learning"
Chi Han (Tsinghua University) · Jiayuan Mao (MIT) · Chuang Gan (MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab) · Josh Tenenbaum (MIT) · Jiajun Wu (MIT)

"ObjectNet: A large-scale bias-controlled dataset for pushing the limits of object recognition models"
Andrei Barbu (MIT) · David Mayo (MIT) · Julian Alverio (MIT) · William Luo (MIT) · Christopher Wang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) · Dan Gutfreund (IBM Research) · Josh Tenenbaum (MIT) · Boris Katz (MIT)

"Untangling in Invariant Speech Recognition"
Cory Stephenson (Intel) · Jenelle Feather (MIT) · Suchismita Padhy (Intel AI Lab) · Oguz Elibol (Intel AI Lab) · Hanlin Tang (Intel AI Products Group) · Josh McDermott (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) · SueYeon Chung (Columbia/MIT)

"Implicit Regularization of Accelerated Methods in Hilbert Spaces"
Nicolò Pagliana (Università degli studi di Genova (DIMA)) · Lorenzo Rosasco (University of Genova- MIT - IIT)

"Beating SGD Saturation with Tail-Averaging and Minibatching"
Nicole Muecke (University of Stuttgart) · Gergely Neu (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) · Lorenzo Rosasco (University of Genova- MIT - IIT)


Shared Visual Representations in Human & Machine Intelligence

2019 NeurIPS Workshop @ Vancouver Convention Center. Vancouver, Canada

The SVRHM workshop at NeurIPS was an epic success! Thanks a lot to CBMM's team for the support!
