
Festival della Scienza logo
October 27, 2015
Prof. Tomaso Poggio has been invited to give the keynote address, at the Festival della Scienza - Genova Italy, on Sat., Oct. 31, 2015.
Unraveling the Mystery of intelligence
The ambition and the limits of science
Photo of Prof. Gabriel Kreiman
October 19, 2015
Congratulations to Prof. Gabriel Kreiman who received the 2015 Pisart Award for his "remarkable contributions to the field of vision science." The Pisart Award recognizes an "early-career vision clinician or scientist whose...
Photo of Prof. Boyden.
October 9, 2015
SfN Press Release, October 9, 2015
WASHINGTON, DC — The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) will present the Young Investigator Award to Ed Boyden, PhD, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Nachum Ulanovksy, PhD, of the...
NIPS 2015 logo
October 5, 2015
Prof. Sam Gershman (CBMM, Harvard) and Prof Noah Goodman (CBMM, Stanford) are helping organize the Bounded Optimality and Rational Metareasoning NIPS 2015 workshop:
We are pleased to announce a NIPS workshop on Bounded Optimality...
October 5, 2015
Prof. Joshua Tenenbaum (CBMM Research Thrust Leader) and Tejas Kulkarni (CBMM Siemens Graduate Fellow) are helping to organize a workshop for NIPS 2015 Workshop on Black Box Learning and Inference, on December 12, 2015. Papers...
October 1, 2015
MIT News has published an article featuring the most recent conference paper by graduate students Charli Fogner and Chiyuan Zhang in the Centor of Brains, Minds and Machines, Hossein Mabahi of the Computer Science &...
Photo of Hitesh Arora with Prof. Tomaso Poggio
September 10, 2015
The May issue of Connect - Newsletter of IUSSTF, contained a interview with Hitesh Arora, a 2015 SN Bose Fellow, who visited Prof. Tomaso Poggio's lab during Spring 2014 and Summer 2014.
"Getting selected in the SN Bose Scholars...
Photograph of the iCub humaniod robot.
August 13, 2015
"Il robot bambino iCub, insieme al gruppo di ricercatori dell’Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Iit) guidato da Giorgio Metta, è da oggi negli Usa, in occasione della Summer Course del Center for Brains, Mind and...
August 1, 2015
"Understanding how the brain produces intelligent behavior- and how that might be replicated by machines - are among the most complex problems facing science and technology."
Photo of Professor Tomaso Poggio from MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Dr Xu Qianli from A*Star's Institute for Infocomm Research
July 10, 2015
Device can help them check if they're taking the right medicine, recognise familiar faces
The Straits Times, July 10, 2015
Institute for Infocomm Research - A*Star, a CBMM International Partner, has developed an application...
