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Thalamic contribution to CA1-mPFC interactions during sleep. Society for Neuroscience's Annual Meeting - SfN 2017 (2017). AbstractSFNfinal.docx (13.14 KB)
Theoretical principles of multiscale spatiotemporal control of neuronal networks: a complex systems perspective. (2017). doi:10.1101/097618 StimComplexity.pdf (218.1 KB)
Theory II: Landscape of the Empirical Risk in Deep Learning. (2017). CBMM Memo 066_1703.09833v2.pdf (5.56 MB)
Theory of Deep Learning IIb: Optimization Properties of SGD. (2017). CBMM-Memo-072.pdf (3.66 MB)
Theory of Deep Learning III: explaining the non-overfitting puzzle. (2017). CBMM-Memo-073.pdf (2.65 MB) CBMM Memo 073 v2 (revised 1/15/2018) (2.81 MB) CBMM Memo 073 v3 (revised 1/30/2018) (2.72 MB) CBMM Memo 073 v4 (revised 12/30/2018) (575.72 KB)
Theory of Intelligence with Forgetting: Mathematical Theorems Explaining Human Universal Forgetting using “Forgetting Neural Networks”. (2017). CBMM-Memo-071.pdf (2.54 MB)
Thinking fast or slow? A reinforcement-learning approach. Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2017). KoolEtAl_SPSP_2017.pdf (670.35 KB)
Tunable Efficient Unitary Neural Networks (EUNN) and their application to RNN. 34th International Conference on Machine Learning 70, 1733-1741 (2017). 1612.05231.pdf (2.3 MB)
Two areas for familiar face recognition in the primate brain. Science 357, 591 - 595 (2017). 591.full_.pdf (928.29 KB)
View-Tolerant Face Recognition and Hebbian Learning Imply Mirror-Symmetric Neural Tuning to Head Orientation. Current Biology 27, 1-6 (2017).
What is changing when: Decoding visual information in movies from human intracranial recordings. Neuroimage (2017). doi:
When and Why Are Deep Networks Better Than Shallow Ones?. AAAI-17: Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2017).
Why and when can deep-but not shallow-networks avoid the curse of dimensionality: A review. International Journal of Automation and Computing 1-17 (2017). doi:10.1007/s11633-017-1054-2 art%3A10.1007%2Fs11633-017-1054-2.pdf (1.68 MB)
Why does deep and cheap learning work so well?. Journal of Statistical Physics 168, 1223–1247 (2017). 1608.08225.pdf (2.14 MB)
Anchoring and Agreement in Syntactic Annotations. (2016). CBMM-Memo-055.pdf (768.54 KB)
Atoms of recognition in human and computer vision. PNAS 113, 2744–2749 (2016). mirc_author_manuscript_with_figures_and_SI-2.pdf (1.65 MB)
A Bayesian nonparametric approach for uncovering rat hippocampal population codes during spatial navigation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 263, (2016). Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2.27 MB)
Bayesian nonparametric methods for discovering latent structures of rat hippocampal ensemble spikes. IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (2016). MLSP16 (1).pdf (1.04 MB)
Bottom-up and Top-down Input Augment the Variability of Cortical Neurons. Neuron 91(3), 540-547 (2016).
Bridging the Gaps Between Residual Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks and Visual Cortex. (2016). CBMM Memo No. 047 (1.29 MB)
Building machines that learn and think like people. (2016). machines_that_think.pdf (3.45 MB)
Cascade of neural processing orchestrates cognitive control in human frontal cortex [dataset]. (2016). at <>
Cascade of neural processing orchestrates cognitive control in human frontal cortex [code]. (2016). at <>
Cascade of neural processing orchestrates cognitive control in human frontal cortex. eLIFE (2016). doi:10.7554/eLife.12352 Manuscript (1.83 MB)