All Publications
“Judgments of effort for magical violations of intuitive physics”, PLOS ONE, vol. 14, no. 5, p. e0217513, 2019. ,
CBMM Related
CBMM Memo No.
“An analysis of training and generalization errors in shallow and deep networks”. 2019.
CBMM-Memo-098.pdf (687.36 KB)
CBMM Memo 098 v4 (08/2019) (2.63 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Neural Population Control via Deep Image Synthesis”, Science, vol. 364, no. 6439, 2019.
Author's last draft (18.45 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Properties of invariant object recognition in human one-shot learning suggests a hierarchical architecture different from deep convolutional neural networks”, in Vision Science Society, Florida, USA, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Properties of invariant object recognition in human oneshot learning suggests a hierarchical architecture different from deep convolutional neural networks ”, in Vision Science Society, St Pete Beach, FL, USA, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Evolving Images for Visual Neurons Using a Deep Generative Network Reveals Coding Principles and Neuronal Preferences”, Cell , vol. 177, p. 1009, 2019.
Author's last draft (20.26 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Finding Friend and Foe in Multi-Agent Games”, Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019). Vancouver, Canada, 2019.
Max KW paper.pdf (928.96 KB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Eccentricity Dependent Neural Network with Recurrent Attention for Scale, Translation and Clutter Invariance ”, in Vision Science Society, Florida, USA, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Evidence that recurrent circuits are critical to the ventral stream’s execution of core object recognition behavior”, Nature Neuroscience, 2019.
Author's last draft (1.74 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Data for free: Fewer-shot algorithm learning with parametricity data augmentation”, in ICLR 2019, 2019. ,
CBMM Related
“Neural mechanisms supporting facial expressions ”, in unknown, New York, NY, USA, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Dynamics & Generalization in Deep Networks -Minimizing the Norm”, in NAS Sackler Colloquium on Science of Deep Learning, Washington D.C., 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“How Does the Brain Represents Language and Answers Questions? Using an AI System to Understand the Underlying Neurobiological Mechanisms”, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, vol. 13, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Incentives Boost Model-Based Control Across a Range of Severity on Several Psychiatric Constructs”, Biological Psychiatry, vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 425 - 433, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Parts‐based representations of perceived face movements in the superior temporal sulcus”, Human Brain Mapping, vol. 40, no. 8, pp. 2499 - 2510, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“How to never be wrong”, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 13 - 28, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“The transdiagnostic structure of mental effort avoidance”, Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 1, 2019. ,
CBMM Related
“Using neuroscience to develop artificial intelligence”, Science, vol. 363, no. 6428, pp. 692 - 693, 2019. ,
CBMM Related
“A model for discovering ‘containment’ relations”, Cognition, vol. 183, pp. 67 - 81, 2019. ,
CBMM Related
“Blind Constant Modulus Multiuser Detection via Low-Rank Approximation”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, pp. 1 - 1, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Language, gesture, and judgment: Children’s paths to abstract geometry”, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, vol. 177, pp. 70 - 85, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“How face perception unfolds over time”, Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“See, feel, act: Hierarchical learning for complex manipulation skills with multisensory fusion”, Science Robotics, vol. 4, no. 26, p. eaav3123, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Deep neural network models of sensory systems: windows onto the role of task constraints”, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, vol. 55, pp. 121 - 132, 2019. ,
CBMM Related
“An integrative computational architecture for object-driven cortex”, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, vol. 55, pp. 73 - 81, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded