All Publications
“What Is the Model in Model‐Based Planning?”, Cognitive Science, vol. 45, no. 1, 2021. ,
CBMM Funded
Encyclopedia of Color Science and TechnologyBayesian Approaches to Color Category Learning. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021, pp. 1 - 5. ,
CBMM Related
“Multi-task reinforcement learning in humans”, Nature Human Behaviour, 2021. ,
CBMM Funded
“No evidence for prolactin’s involvement in the post-ejaculatory refractory periodAbstract”, Communications Biology, vol. 4, no. 1, 2021. ,
CBMM Related
“A Geometric Analysis of Deep Generative Image Models and Its Applications”, in Proc. International Conference on Learning Representations, 2021, 2021. ,
CBMM Related
“Cognitive boundary signals in the human medial temporal lobe shape episodic memory representation”, bioRxiv, 2021. ,
CBMM Related
CBMM Memo No.
“Neural Regression, Representational Similarity, Model Zoology Neural Taskonomy at Scale in Rodent Visual Cortex”. 2021.
CBMM-Memo-131.pdf (9.37 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Social Interactions as Recursive MDPs”. 2021.
CBMM-Memo-130.pdf (1.52 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Compositional Networks Enable Systematic Generalization for Grounded Language Understanding”. 2021.
CBMM-Memo-129.pdf (1.2 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Spoken ObjectNet: A Bias-Controlled Spoken Caption Dataset”. 2021.
CBMM-Memo-128.pdf (2.91 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Compositional RL Agents That Follow Language Commands in Temporal Logic”. 2021.
CBMM-Memo-127.pdf (2.12 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Measuring Social Biases in Grounded Vision and Language Embeddings”. 2021.
CBMM-Memo-126.pdf (1.32 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Dynamics and Neural Collapse in Deep Classifiers trained with the Square Loss”. 2021.
v1.0 (4.61 MB)
v1.4corrections to generalization section (5.85 MB)
v1.7Small edits (22.65 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Distribution of Classification Margins: Are All Data Equal?”. 2021.
CBMM Memo 115.pdf (9.56 MB)
arXiv version (23.05 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Large-scale benchmarking of deep neural network models in mouse visual cortex reveals patterns similar to those observed in macaque visual cortex”, Cosyne. 2021. ,
CBMM Funded
“What Matters In Branch Specialization? Using a Toy Task to Make Predictions”, in Shared Visual Representations in Human and Machine Intelligence (SVRHM) Workshop at NeurIPS, 2021. ,
CBMM Funded
“PHASE: PHysically-grounded Abstract Social Events for Machine Social Perception”, in AAAI-21, 2021. ,
CBMM Funded
“Measuring Social Biases in Grounded Vision and Language Embeddings”, NAACL (Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics). 2021. ,
CBMM Funded
“On the use of Cortical Magnification and Saccades as Biological Proxies for Data Augmentation”, in Shared Visual Representations in Human and Machine Intelligence (SVRHM) Workshop at NeurIPS, 2021. ,
CBMM Funded
“Theoretical issues in deep networks”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, p. 201907369, 2020.
PNASlast.pdf (915.3 KB) ,

CBMM Funded
“The speed of human social interaction perception”, NeuroImage, p. 116844, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“Response patterns in the developing social brain are organized by social and emotion features and disrupted in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder”, Cortex, vol. 125, pp. 12 - 29, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“The logic of universalization guides moral judgment”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), p. 202014505, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“Bayesian Models of Conceptual Development: Learning as Building Models of the World”, Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 533 - 558, 2020. ,
CBMM Funded
“Simulating a Primary Visual Cortex at the Front of CNNs Improves Robustness to Image Perturbations”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 pre-proceedings (NeurIPS 2020). 2020. ,
CBMM Funded