
Photo of ten MIT and the Broad Institute researchers.
October 5, 2017
MIT News
By Julie Pryor | McGovern Institute for Brain Research
October 5, 2017
"The High-Risk, High-Reward Research (HRHR) program, supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund, has awarded 86 grants to...
Photo of Prof. Ed Boyden
October 5, 2017
Prof. Ed Boyden has received the 2017 NIH Director's Transformative Research Award. This award promotes “cross-cutting, interdisciplinary approaches that could potentially create or challenge existing paradigms.”
Project Title:...
Siemens logo
September 22, 2017
In September 2014, the Siemens Corporation generously established the CBMM Siemens Graduate Fellowship. This fellowship provides support, for one academic year, to an MIT graduate student whose research bridges two of the main...
Photo: MIT News
September 21, 2017
Babies can learn that hard work pays off
Study finds infants try harder after seeing adults struggle to achieve a goal.
Anne Trafton | MIT News Office
September 21, 2017
"If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
A new study...
child learning from parent (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Chyrece Campbell)
September 21, 2017
"Infants who saw a researcher keep at a difficult task tried harder themselves
By Yasemin Saplakoglu
Opening a jar of pickles should not be that difficult. And while you are busy mumbling, grimacing, hopping on one foot and...
driverless car
September 20, 2017
"A startup called iSee thinks a new approach to AI will make self-driving cars better at dealing with unexpected situations.
by Will Knight
Boston’s notoriously unfriendly drivers and chaotic roads may be the perfect testing...
ComText allows robots to understand contextual commands such as, “Pick up the box I put down.”  Photo: Tom Buehler/MIT CSAIL
August 30, 2017
ComText, from the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, allows robots to understand contextual commands.
Adam Conner-Simons | Rachel Gordon | CSAIL
Despite what you might see in movies, today’s robots are still...
Image: Ho-Jun Suk - In this image, a pipette guided by a robotic arm approaches a neuron identified with a fluorescent stain.
August 30, 2017
Success rate is comparable to that of highly trained scientists performing the process manually.
Anne Trafton | MIT News Office
Recording electrical signals from inside a neuron in the living brain can reveal a great deal of...
"researches teach this robot just like a child"
August 22, 2017
Tweeted from our colleagues at IIT - "The story of our @iCub on @techinsider!"
Watch the video at the link below.
Here at CBMM, we are happy to count IIT as one of our partners. Their iCub robot is a great tool for exploring...
July 31, 2017
by Theodore (Ted) Stark
When you see another person, your brain utilizes the fusiform facial area (FFA) to identify the face faster than anything else. Therefore, you can recognize faces before you can recall a person’s name....
