
Marine Biology Lab, Woods Hole, MA
February 14, 2017
Update: the application deadline for the BMM Summer Course has been extended until Friday, April 7, 2017.
Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2017
A Special Topics Course at MBL Woods Hole, MA
Directors: Gabriel Kreiman,...
February 13, 2017
Over the past couple of decades, researchers like Saxe have used functional MRI to study brain activity in adults and children. But fMRI, like a 19th-century daguerreotype, requires subjects to lie perfectly still lest the image...
Lung-on-a-chip, a product of Convergence research, quickly screens drugs for effectiveness and safety.
February 10, 2017
Written by:

Phil Sharp 1,2
Susan Hockfield 3,4,†

Author Affiliations
1Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
2President of AAAS, 2014-2015.
3President Emerita, Massachusetts...
February 1, 2017
[From the January 2017 newsletter of the Future of Life Institute]
"Two years ago, after an exciting conference in Puerto Rico that included many of the top minds in AI, we produced two open letters -- one on beneficial AI and...
January 17, 2017
A recent study from MIT found that people who are asked to repeat random series of beats tend to reorganize them according to familiar patterns — even if they don’t know they’re doing it.
The findings, published in the Jan. 5...
Photo: Caitlin Cunningham
January 11, 2017
Neuroscientists at MIT have adapted their MRI scanner to make it easier to scan infants’ brains as the babies watch movies featuring different types of visual input. With the new technique, the team found that in some ways, the...
Hands beating drum
January 5, 2017
"Study finds the brain is biased toward rhythms based on simple integer ratios.
Anne Trafton | MIT News Office
January 5, 2017
When it comes to perceiving music, the human brain is much more tuned in to certain types of rhythms...
Gadi Geiger
December 20, 2016

"Not having a college degree didn’t stop Gadi Geiger from becoming a neuroscientist—or serving as the go-to guy for career advice in the Poggio Lab.

by Christina Couch, SM ’15

In 2011, Leyla Isik, a brand-new PhD student,...
December 9, 2016
"Research on artificial intelligence moves from 2-D to 3-D representations of the world—work that could lead to big advances in robotics and automated driving.

by Will Knight

There’s been some stunning progress in artificial...
December 9, 2016
“An exciting and important trend is the move in learning-based vision systems from just doing things with images to doing things with three-dimensional objects,” says Josh Tenenbaum,  a professor in MIT’s Department of Brain and...
