
July 22, 2021

AlphaFold neural network produced a ‘totally transformative’ database of more than 350,000 structures from Homo sapiens and 20 model organisms.

Ewen Callaway
The human genome holds the instructions for more than 20,000 proteins...
Stuart Russell and Tomaso Poggio
July 9, 2021
Do we need to understand the brain to make progress in artificial intelligence? In the first podcast in the series, Stuart Russell and Tomaso Poggio contrast “deep learning” with our own organic neural networks. In an age of...
people watching a virtual lecture in a conference room
July 9, 2021
by Hu Min
World Artificial Intelligence Conference
More than 100 scholars, professors and experts in artificial intelligence fields brainstormed the development trends of cognitive intelligence and the Conscious Turing Machine at...
July 1, 2021
Scientists have long searched in vain for a class of brain cells that could explain the visceral flash of recognition that we feel when we see a very familiar face, like that of our grandmothers. But the proposed "grandmother...
June 29, 2021
The challenges of tackling this question are so daunting that few have tried. But Heather Kosakowski, a PhD candidate at MIT, is determined to find answers.
by Rachel Fritts, SM ’20
It‘s Ursula’s third time in the functional MRI...
Mandana Sassanfar
June 24, 2021
by Raleigh McElvery
A lifelong interest in teaching brought Mandana Sassanfar to MIT, where she has established programs to engage diverse students and forged partnerships with institutes across the country.
Of all the offices in...
June 9, 2021

ISSNAF, the Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation, annually awards the Young Investigator Awards in various disciplines to outstanding, early-career Italian researchers working in the United States or...
a pair of human eyeballs
May 24, 2021
The correct answer is: squishiness
Story by Ben Dickson
Since the early years of artificial intelligence, scientists have dreamed of creating computers that can “see” the world. As vision plays a key role in many things we do...
May 11, 2021
Simultaneous measurement of neural rhythms and spikes across five brain areas reveals how propofol induces unconsciousness.
David Orenstein | Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
In a uniquely deep and detailed look at how...
May 10, 2021
by Ben Dickson
Welcome to AI book reviews, a series of posts that explore the latest literature on artificial intelligence.
Since the early years of artificial intelligence, scientists have dreamed of creating computers that can...
