
Gadi Geiger
December 20, 2016

"Not having a college degree didn’t stop Gadi Geiger from becoming a neuroscientist—or serving as the go-to guy for career advice in the Poggio Lab.

by Christina Couch, SM ’15

In 2011, Leyla Isik, a brand-new PhD student,...
December 9, 2016
"Research on artificial intelligence moves from 2-D to 3-D representations of the world—work that could lead to big advances in robotics and automated driving.

by Will Knight

There’s been some stunning progress in artificial...
December 9, 2016
“An exciting and important trend is the move in learning-based vision systems from just doing things with images to doing things with three-dimensional objects,” says Josh Tenenbaum,  a professor in MIT’s Department of Brain and...
Image: MIT News
December 1, 2016

Larry Hardesty | MIT News Office
December 1, 2016

"MIT researchers and their colleagues have developed a new computational model of the human brain’s face-recognition mechanism that seems to capture aspects of human neurology...
 Winrich Freiwald wins Columbia University’s 2016 W. Alden Spencer Award
October 31, 2016
"Winrich Freiwald, associate professor and head of the Laboratory of Neural Systems, has received the 2016 W. Alden Spencer Award. The prize, given by Columbia University, recognizes outstanding research contributions in the...
October 12, 2016
CBMM is thrilled to be chosen as one of NVIDIA’s Pioneers of AI Research - NVIDIA Early Access selections. The Center has received one of the first deliveries of the groundbreaking new DGX-1 rack-mounted deep learning...
Photo of Nancy Kanwisher
October 4, 2016
NIH anounced today that Prof. Nancy Kanwisher has received the 2016 NIH Director's Pioneer Award.
The NIH Director's Pioneer Award is on of the four awards in the NIH Common Fund's High-Risk, High-Reward Research program. The...
Visual Cortex and Deep Network
September 19, 2016
Tomaso A. Poggio and Fabio Anselmi released a new book in the field of Computational Neuroscience published through The MIT Press last week.
"The ventral visual stream is believed to underlie object recognition in primates. Over...
Photographer: PASIEKA/Getty Images/Science Photo Library
September 9, 2016

By Jeremy Kahn for

DeepMind system generates soundwaves to mimic human voices

Performed 50 percent better than existing technology

Google’s DeepMind unit, which is working to develop super-intelligent...
Photo of sailboats on the Charles River.
September 8, 2016
Anne Trafton | MIT News Office
September 8, 2016
“Our understanding of our environment is largely shaped by our memory for what’s currently out of sight,” says Caroline Robertson, a postdoc at MIT’s McGovern Institute...
