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Y. Du, Smith, K. A., Ullman, T., Tenenbaum, J. B., and Wu, J., Unsupervised Discovery of 3D Physical Objects, in International Conference on Learning Representations, 2021.
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CBMM Funded
W. A. Freiwald and Hosoya, H., Neuroscience: A Face’s Journey through Space and Time, Current Biology, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. R13 - R15, 2021.
CBMM Funded
C. Li and Deza, A., What Matters In Branch Specialization? Using a Toy Task to Make Predictions, in Shared Visual Representations in Human and Machine Intelligence (SVRHM) Workshop at NeurIPS, 2021.
CBMM Funded
B. Wang, Mayo, D., Deza, A., Barbu, A., and Conwell, C., On the use of Cortical Magnification and Saccades as Biological Proxies for Data Augmentation, in Shared Visual Representations in Human and Machine Intelligence (SVRHM) Workshop at NeurIPS, 2021.
CBMM Funded


T. Poggio, Banburski, A., and Liao, Q., Theoretical issues in deep networks, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, p. 201907369, 2020.PDF icon PNASlast.pdf (915.3 KB)
CBMM Funded
CBMM Funded
W. A. Freiwald, Gross means Great, Progress in Neurobiology, vol. 195, p. 101924, 2020.
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W. A. Freiwald, Social interaction networks in the primate brain, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, vol. 65, pp. 49 - 58, 2020.
CBMM Funded
E. Malkin, Deza, A., and Poggio, T., CUDA-Optimized real-time rendering of a Foveated Visual System, in Shared Visual Representations in Human and Machine Intelligence (SVRHM) workshop at NeurIPS 2020, 2020.PDF icon Foveated_Drone_SVRHM_2020.pdf (13.44 MB)PDF icon v1 (12/15/2020) (14.7 MB)
CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
A. Banburski, Gandhi, A., Alford, S., Dandekar, S., Chin, P., and Poggio, T., Dreaming with ARC, Learning Meets Combinatorial Algorithms workshop at NeurIPS 2020. 2020.PDF icon CBMM Memo 113.pdf (1019.64 KB)
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