Applications of Machine Intelligence
The enormous success of machine learning methods in tackling a wide range of classification problems has enabled the creation of intelligent machines that approach the performance of experts in some domains. This unit provides a taste of some of the successes in areas such as classification of plant and bird species, medicine, and business. Learn more about other applications on the Learning Hub and the CBMM videos page.

Further Study
Online Resources
Additional information about the speakers’ research and publications can be found at these websites:
- Lisa Amini (IBM)
- Charles Cadieu (Caption Health)
- Vijay Chandrasekhar (A*STAR)
- Philip Nelson (Google Research) (also see links referenced in video)
- Pietro Perona (Caltech) (also see Visipedia)
Cadieu, C. F., Hong, H., Yamins, D. L. K., Pinto, N., Ardila, D., Solomon, E. A., Majej, N. J. & DiCarlo, J. J. (2014) Deep neural networks rival the representation of primate IT cortex for core visual object recognition, PLoS Computational Biology, 10(12):e1003963
Chandrasekhar, V., Jie, L., Morere, O., Goh, H., Veillard, A. (2016) A practical guide to CNNs and Fisher vectors for image instance retrieval, Proc. Signal Processing
Morere, O., Jie, A., Veillard, A., Duan, L., Chandrasekhar, V., Poggio, T. (2017) Nested invariance pooling and RBM hashing for image instance retrieval, ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, Bucharest, Romania
Van Horn, G., Branson, S., Loarie, S., Belongie, S., Perona, P. (2018) Lean Multiclass Crowdsourcing. Proc. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2714-2723
Van Horn, G., Cole, E., Beery, S., Wilber, K., Belongie, S., Mac Aodha, O. (2021) Natural world image collections, Proc. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 12884-12893
Wang, D., Ram, P., Weidele, D. K., Liu, S., Muller, M., Weisz, J. D., Valente, A., Chaudhary, A., Torres, D., Samulowitz, H., Amini, L. (2020), AutoAI: Automating the end-to-end AI lifecycle with humans-in-the-loop, Proc. 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion, 77-78