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Robust Feature-Level Adversaries are Interpretability Tools. NeurIPS (2022). at <> 8789_robust_feature_level_adversari.pdf (3.79 MB)
Scalable Causal Discovery with Score Matching. NeurIPS 2022 (2022). at <>
SGD Noise and Implicit Low-Rank Bias in Deep Neural Networks. (2022). Implicit Rank Minimization.pdf (1.76 MB)
Spontaneous sign emergence in humans and machines through an embodied communication game. JCoLE Workshop (2022).
Stochastic consolidation of lifelong memoryAbstract. Scientific Reports 12, (2022). s41598-022-16407-9.pdf (2.54 MB)
Synthesizing theories of human language with Bayesian program inductionAbstract. Nature Communications 13, (2022). s41467-022-32012-w.pdf (2.19 MB)
System identification of neural systems: If we got it right, would we know?. (2022). CBMM-Memo-136.pdf (1.75 MB)
Task-specific neural processes underlying conflict resolution during cognitive control. BioRxiv (2022). doi:10.1101/2022.01.16.476535 2022.01.16.476535v1.full_.pdf (22.96 MB)
Three approaches to facilitate DNN generalization to objects in out-of-distribution orientations and illuminations. (2022). CBMM-Memo-119.pdf (31.08 MB)
Towards an objective characterization of an individual's facial movements using Self-Supervised Person-Specific-Models. arXiv (2022). at <>
Trajectory Prediction with Linguistic Representations. (2022). CBMM-Memo-132.pdf (1.15 MB)
Trajectory Prediction with Linguistic Representations. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (2022). doi:10.1109/ICRA46639.2022.9811928
Transformer Module Networks for Systematic Generalization in Visual Question Answering. (2022). CBMM-Memo-121.pdf (1.06 MB) version 2 (3/22/2023) (1.33 MB)
Understanding the Role of Recurrent Connections in Assembly Calculus. (2022). CBMM-Memo-137.pdf (1.49 MB)
Using child‐friendly movie stimuli to study the development of face, place, and object regions from age 3 to 12 years. Human Brain Mapping (2022). doi:10.1002/hbm.25815
Using machine learning to understand age and gender classification based on infant temperament. PLOS ONE 17, e0266026 (2022).
What Babies KnowAbstractCore KnowledgeAbstract. 190 - C5.T1 (Oxford University PressNew York, 2022). doi:10.1093/oso/9780190618247.001.000110.1093/oso/9780190618247.003.0005
What Could Go Wrong: Adults and Children Calibrate Predictions and Explanations of Others' Actions Based on Relative Reward and Danger. Cognitive Science 46, (2022).
When and how convolutional neural networks generalize to out-of-distribution category–viewpoint combinations. Nature Machine Intelligence 4, 146 - 153 (2022).
AGENT: A Benchmark for Core Psychological Reasoning. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (2021).
Biological and Computer Vision. (Cambridge University Press, 2021). doi:10.1017/9781108649995