All Publications
CBMM Memo No.
“Double descent in the condition number”. 2019.
Fixing typos, clarifying error in y, best approach is crossvalidation (837.18 KB)
Incorporated footnote in text plus other edits (854.05 KB)
Deleted previous discussion on kernel regression and deep nets: it will appear, extended, in a separate paper (795.28 KB)
correcting a bad typo (261.24 KB)
Deleted plot of condition number of kernel matrix: we cannot get a double descent curve (769.32 KB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Ecological origins of perceptual grouping principles in the auditory system”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 116, no. 50, pp. 25355 - 25364, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Illusory sound texture reveals multi-second statistical completion in auditory scene analysis”, Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, 2019. ,
CBMM Related
“Beating SGD Saturation with Tail-Averaging and Minibatching”, Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019). Vancouver, Canada, 2019.
9422-beating-sgd-saturation-with-tail-averaging-and-minibatching.pdf (389.35 KB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Implicit Regularization of Accelerated Methods in Hilbert Spaces”, Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019). Vancouver, Canada, 2019.
9591-implicit-regularization-of-accelerated-methods-in-hilbert-spaces.pdf (451.14 KB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Evidence that recurrent pathways between the prefrontal and inferior temporal cortex is critical during core object recognition ”, in Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, USA, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Brain-Like Object Recognition with High-Performing Shallow Recurrent ANNs”, 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019). Vancouver, Canada, 2019.
2019-10-28 NeurIPS-camera_ready.pdf (1.88 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Invariance to background noise as a signature of non-primary auditory cortex”, Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, 2019. ,
CBMM Related
“Theories of Deep Learning: Approximation, Optimization and Generalization ”, TECHCON 2019. 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“A meta-analysis of ANNs as models of primate V1 ”, in Bernstein, Berlin, Germany, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“A perceptually inspired generative model of rigid-body contact sounds”, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19), 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Theoretical Issues in Deep Networks”. 2019.
CBMM Memo 100 v1 (1.71 MB)
CBMM Memo 100 v3 (8/25/2019) (1.31 MB)
CBMM Memo 100 v4 (11/19/2019) (1008.23 KB) ,

CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“Brain Signals Localization by Alternating Projections”, arXiv. 2019.
CBMM-Memo-099.pdf (421.67 KB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Constant modulus algorithms via low-rank approximation”, Signal Processing, vol. 160, pp. 263 - 270, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Deep Recurrent Architectures for Seismic Tomography”, in 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Weight and Batch Normalization implement Classical Generalization Bounds ”, in ICML, Long Beach/California, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
CBMM Memo No.
“An analysis of training and generalization errors in shallow and deep networks”. 2019.
CBMM-Memo-098.pdf (687.36 KB)
CBMM Memo 098 v4 (08/2019) (2.63 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Neural Population Control via Deep Image Synthesis”, Science, vol. 364, no. 6439, 2019.
Author's last draft (18.45 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Properties of invariant object recognition in human one-shot learning suggests a hierarchical architecture different from deep convolutional neural networks”, in Vision Science Society, Florida, USA, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Properties of invariant object recognition in human oneshot learning suggests a hierarchical architecture different from deep convolutional neural networks ”, in Vision Science Society, St Pete Beach, FL, USA, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Eccentricity Dependent Neural Network with Recurrent Attention for Scale, Translation and Clutter Invariance ”, in Vision Science Society, Florida, USA, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Evidence that recurrent circuits are critical to the ventral stream’s execution of core object recognition behavior”, Nature Neuroscience, 2019.
Author's last draft (1.74 MB) ,

CBMM Funded
“Dynamics & Generalization in Deep Networks -Minimizing the Norm”, in NAS Sackler Colloquium on Science of Deep Learning, Washington D.C., 2019. ,
CBMM Funded
“Deep neural network models of sensory systems: windows onto the role of task constraints”, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, vol. 55, pp. 121 - 132, 2019. ,
CBMM Related
“An integrative computational architecture for object-driven cortex”, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, vol. 55, pp. 73 - 81, 2019. ,
CBMM Funded